God Works: Seeking and Saving That Which was Lost

A Video Based Curriculum

Proposal Overview

Thank You for considering this original GODWORKS content. Jesus made his reason for coming abundantly clear in his conversation with Zacchaeus: For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) This particular series was developed to focus on Jesus’s response—which is, and explains, the Missio Dei, the “Mission of God.

For what purpose?  Our desire is that God’s redeemed people absorb and apprehend the Missio Dei’s magnitude for all of Scripture and for every one of us.  This will be accomplished through diligent study, shared understanding, and application of God’s Word from the life of Jesus in the Gospels. It will include examining the early Christian Church’s response following Jesus’ Ascension, the Day of Pentecost, and throughout the book of Acts.  Important and inspired insights will be made using the ‘lens’ of the Missio Dei as seen in and applied to the life of Christ, his ministry, and his relationships. It will be recognized and applied to what happens in Acts and the early Christian Church, with vital application to our present context of personal vocations, congregations, and communities.

This content has been prepared to equip all leaders for impactful sharing with a variety of audiences – from the high schoolers in a youth group to adults in a home or small group setting. It would also be ideal for a Sunday, mid-week, or any day Bible Class or Fellowship Group at church, with ample time being allowed for discussion and application. This content is best shared with those who desire to better understand God’s purpose and direction for their lives. Those using this series will discover how the ‘lens’ of the Missio Dei is the all-important lens for reading and understanding the Scriptures, God, and His love for the world.

When using the videos and lessons in this series, the leader should always preview the video segment supplied for the lesson. The only time this is not true is at the very beginning when the Introductory Video Episode is shared. The Introductory video has no lesson associated with it.  However, it is best viewed as an introduction to the following video episodes and associated lessons.

All the lessons following the Introductory video begin with a question or questions to help the group focus and become engaged with the video episode that follows. After viewing the video episode together, the supplied questions for that lesson and the referenced Scriptures read aloud will lead to lively discussion, application, and even anticipation of the next lesson. The leader and the group should decide together what “homework” should be assigned. In most cases, that could include what Scriptures could be read ahead of time in preparation for the next lesson and video episode, and shared ways or examples of personal application for the group from the past lesson.

Please know that we are praying for those that use these video Episodes and written Lessons. May your faith be strengthened and enriched, and may your life be blessed through a greater understanding of, and purposeful life lived for, the Missio Dei.

“... but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience ...”

1 Peter 3:15-16

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life ...” Philippians 2:14-16

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Why Participate in a God Works Discussion Group?

  • A Deeper Understanding of God's Mission Heart

    There is nothing quite like reading the Holy Scriptures and being gripped by its truth, the love of God for the world expressed in it, and its relevancy and guidance for today. This study will open your heart to that wisdom and working of the Holy Spirit of God.

  • You will see the amazing purpose that God has for your life.

    This God Works Study will enable you to see the amazing purpose that the true, loving God has for your life, the fulfillment and joy that purpose brings, and reveal how that purpose may have been hidden.

  • You will experience the depth of the Father's love for all people.

    Recognized, trusted Bible scholars and theologians - Dr. Jeffrey Khloa and Dr. Robert Newton - draw upon the truth and analogy of Scripture to reveal the primary importance and critical purpose of the Missio Dei, the Mission of God, in this encouraging, educational, transformative, and inspirational series.

  • The Content can be a Catalyst for new Mission Activity in your Community

    When viewed and studied together with a group of ‘peers,’ the discussion and prayer that follows will surely lead to practical relational and ministry possibilities that can reach any community and change any church’s trajectory.


  • tbarjonas

    Rev. Dr. Todd Jones serves as an assistant to the President of the Michigan district for the development of continuing education and the facilitation of new mission starts.

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